Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Will VMware's new licensing scheme open the door for Microsoft?

VMware announced vSphere 5 yesterday, which will bring greater scalability and robustness to VMware's virtualization platform. The new version will support larger virtual machines—up to 1TB of RAM and 32 virtual processors each—faster I/O, simpler high-availability, easier deployment, and more. These announcements were somewhat overshadowed, however, by the launch of a new licensing scheme for the software.

For vSphere 4.x, the current version, pricing is based on a combination of the number of physical CPU sockets, physical cores, and physical memory installed in a server. Leaving aside the "Essentials" versions, as they operate on a different pricing model, there are four tiers: Standard, which gives you one socket, six cores, and 256GB memory; Advanced, which is 1 socket, 12 cores, 256GB memory; Enterprise, which is 1 socket, 6 cores, 256GB memory, and extra functionality; and Enterprise Plus, which is 1 socket, 12 cores, unlimited memory, and even more functionality. Additional sockets, cores, and memory required purchase of additional licenses.

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