Tuesday, March 8, 2011

APP OF THE DAY - Red Nose Day In Your Pocket (iPhone / iPod touch)

Support the cause while having fun
APP OF THE DAY - Red Nose Day In Your Pocket (iPhone / iPod touch). Gaming, Mobile phone apps, Red Nose Day In Your Pocket, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief, iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone apps, iPod touch apps, AOTD, App of the day,  0

Friday week, teachers up and down the country will be sitting in baths of beans, nurses will be donning clowns outfits, and merchant bankers will be running around London with comedy Bernie Clifton?ostrich?legs on. Probably.

Yep, it's Comic Relief's Red Nose Day, the bi-annual British event that endorses silliness and mirth for great causes in the UK and Africa. And whether you do your bit by bungy rope jumping in a nun's habit, or sitting in front of the TV all night watching the hilarity ensue, you'll benefit from downloading the official app.

As long as you've got an iPhone or iPod touch, anyway...

Red Nose Day In Your Pocket

iPhone / iPod touch

Like the Red Nose Day TV extravaganza, to be broadcast on BBC channels One, Two and Three (and HD) on the evening of 18 March, the accompanying application is a smorgasbord of information, interactive entertainment and silliness. And it is as slickly produced, to boot.

At its heart, it offers updates on the happenings and stories of Red Nose Day so far, including confirmed line-ups for the forthcoming TV show, celebrity fund-raising exploits, and even ideas on what you and others are or can do to raise money. Plus, there's a countdown clock telling you how long is left to go before the event begins.

The news section is also backed up with celebrity videos, including welcome videos by Film 2011 host Claudia Winkleman (who will also be hosting part of the TV telethon) and former Doctor Who David Tennant. And, a Twitter section lets you follow the official tweets as they appear - definitely handy for the night itself.

There are also two included games/entertainment apps within the app, Ask Monkey, featuring the eponymous hero of the PG Tips adverts (and former mascot of OnDigital - remember that?), and Pick-A-Nose, which stars the red noses themselves, and the cast of comedians and presenters who'll be leading proceedings on the telly.

Ask Monkey isn't so much a game as a Lucky 8-ball device, with Monkey answering questions you ask him like a wee knitted sensei. And Pick-A-Nose is basically Whack-A-Mole, where you have to hit the plastic proboscises and avoid the celebs. Its linked with Game Center, so you can even post scores to the leaderboard.

But the most important button of all is the Donate button, and we hope you use it plentifully. After all, the app is completely free, and you can donate however much you want. It can link to your PayPal account, or charge it to SMS. Either way, it will definitely help save lives.

Tags: Gaming Mobile phone apps Red Nose Day In Your Pocket Red Nose Day Comic Relief iPhone iPhone apps AOTD App of the day iPod Touch iPod Touch apps

APP OF THE DAY - Red Nose Day In Your Pocket (iPhone / iPod touch). Gaming, Mobile phone apps, Red Nose Day In Your Pocket, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief, iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone apps, iPod touch apps, AOTD, App of the day,  1  APP OF THE DAY - Red Nose Day In Your Pocket (iPhone / iPod touch). Gaming, Mobile phone apps, Red Nose Day In Your Pocket, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief, iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone apps, iPod touch apps, AOTD, App of the day,  2  APP OF THE DAY - Red Nose Day In Your Pocket (iPhone / iPod touch). Gaming, Mobile phone apps, Red Nose Day In Your Pocket, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief, iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone apps, iPod touch apps, AOTD, App of the day,  3  APP OF THE DAY - Red Nose Day In Your Pocket (iPhone / iPod touch). Gaming, Mobile phone apps, Red Nose Day In Your Pocket, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief, iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone apps, iPod touch apps, AOTD, App of the day,  4  APP OF THE DAY - Red Nose Day In Your Pocket (iPhone / iPod touch). Gaming, Mobile phone apps, Red Nose Day In Your Pocket, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief, iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone apps, iPod touch apps, AOTD, App of the day,  5  APP OF THE DAY - Red Nose Day In Your Pocket (iPhone / iPod touch). Gaming, Mobile phone apps, Red Nose Day In Your Pocket, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief, iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone apps, iPod touch apps, AOTD, App of the day,  6 

APP OF THE DAY - Red Nose Day In Your Pocket (iPhone / iPod touch) originally appeared on http://www.pocket-lint.com on Tue, 08 Mar 2011 17:59:49 +0000


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